Episode 112 - Wowie Zowie
Don Fargo, Rip Tyler and Mike Diamond in “Rip’s Corner” from WOW TV.
We have our first back to back guest, even though it’s been two months and there were also three episodes of the Plot Podcast since then, but we’ve happy to welcome back Kris P Lettuce (@krisplettuce) from the Armstrong Alley You Tube channel to talk more rediscovered old school wrestling.
We start by talking about his upcoming order from his tape source “the Greek” and just what will be on that 100 DVD order, including Windy CIty, WIld Wrestling and wrestling from Montreal and the Maritimes.
Then we discuss some of the wrestling on his channel now, including IWA from Nashville, featuring a young Maxx Payne, Texas Championship Wrestling (including the American Ninja, who we discussed last episode) and WOW, World Organization Wrestling. WOW is easily my favorite promotion of the stuff Kris has uploaded, so we spend a good portion of the show talking about some of the better-known names that worked there, including Bob Holly, Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond, Bob Sweetan, Jerry Stubbs, Kokina (aka Yokozuna) and more. We also mention how many of these promotions in the late 80s and early 90s had a connection to legendary promoter Nick Gulas.
Also, coming up this month on the Plot Podcast, look for some vampire-themed shows, as part of When IT Was Cool’s Dracula Month. How well do spies and vampires? Tune in and find out.