Episode Forty-Six - Baker Street
Doctor Who Weekly (now Magazine) issue 1
(C) 2016 Panini
Todd Rowker (@rowkerthejoker) from the Longbox Heroes podcast (@longboxheroes) joins the show for our big valentine to Tom Baker and classic Doctor Who. We talk about Todd's rewatch of the series from the beginning, currently up to Tom Baker's first series. We discuss our favorite episodes from his tenure as the Doctor, watching episodically vs entire serial, the longevity of many of the actors and more. We also talk about issue 501 of Doctor Who Magazine, which featured a giant six-part interview with Baker, covering all facets of his time in the role, as well as his appearance as the Curator in The Day of the Doctor (see below). We discuss seeing elderly talent at conventions, be it entertainers or comics creators.
(33:05) - That seques into our discussion of current comics, including the Batman Family of books at DC (Batman, Detective, All-Star Batman), with dscussion of plot points from the current storylines. We also recommend Old Man Logan, All-New Wolverine, Mockingbird and The Vision from Marvel and the Black Monday Murders and Chew from Image.