Episode Ten - The Eagle Has Landed
We're very excited to have CMLL luchador Marco Corleone on this episode of the podcast. Hopefully, he will be the first of a number of luchadors who will be appearing on the podcast or in the upcoming issue of Odessa Steps Magazine/Russian Flag Burial. Please check out the new clothing line started by Marco and his partner (and CMLL edecane) Miroslava.
1:06 - CMLL luchador Marco Corleone (@MarcoCorleone23) talks the upcoming Anniversario Show, Atlantis vs Sombra, Ingobernables vs El Bufete del Amor, Air Corleone, his punching prowess, wrestling the Undertaker, CMLL mascots, creating his entrance music and his new clothing line.
34:33 - The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) talks Anniversario Show build, Dr. Wagner, LA Park, Boby Zavala's win over Guerrero Maya Jr in the En Busca de un Idolo final, the future of Lucha Underground, the 2015 Cubs season, Schwarber-Mania and the Kane County Cougars. Check out the Luchablog and the Luchawiki for all of Cubsfan's hard work.
Marco, Miroslava and Dark Angel unveil the gongut.com clothing line.
Marco vs the Undertake from 2005
Marco's whiplash injury
Ultimo Guerrero dropkicks Que Monito. Marco is in the tecnico corner.
"En Busca de un Idolo". Guerrero Maya Jr. Vs Bobby Zavala.