Episode Forty-Two - Hitto-ō


It's a celebration of Ichiro's 3000th hit, tempered by the passing on the day of recording of longtime ESPN anchor John Saunders. On the podcast today are Joe Lucia (@Joe_TOC) from Awful Announcing and The Comeback and former ESPN producer Gus Ramsey (@GusRamsey)'

Joe talks about John Saunders (1:29), Ichiro's 3000 hits and his amazing MLB season (5:07), the rash of retiring players this week (15:33), the August 1 trade deadline (21:26), the Aaron Sanchez soap opera in Toronto (22:42), rooting for bad teams (26:46), NBC's Rio Olympics coverage (33:08) and televising internationl futbol in the US (37:45).

Gus discusses John Saunders (48:34), Ichiro (53:00), retiring players (58:10), the Dan and Kieth years on Sportscenter (1:01:06), Sports Night and other depictions of newsrooms in TV and Film (1:05:29), working on the WWE Network's Edge and Christian Show (1:12:24), the state of current WWE (1:26:50), his new Talent Coach service for broadcasters (1:31:31) and the new Madden and other video games (1:39:15).

Episode Forty - Zero Fear

Los Ingobernables. Each making news in their own way.

Los Ingobernables. Each making news in their own way.

Lucha Week concludes with a mega-length podcast with Dr. Lucha Steve Sims (@drluchajr). On the lucha front, we talk about La Mascara and the CMLL Anniversary show, the Rush vs L.A. Park feud, Sexi Star unmasking, breaking news as we recorded of Pentagon Jr. winning the AAW title in Chicago, WWE's interest in adding more luchadors to their roster, just what do they want, La Sombra/Andrade Almas in NXT, the viewer demographics of Lucha Underground, luchadors working in the US vs Mexico and more. On the non-lucha front, we talk about content delivery models in the future, a la care programming, baseball's draconian blackout rules, the All-Star Game (54:15) and Comic-Con (1:14:30) being held in Steve's hometown of San Diego, traveling to Tijuana in 2016 vs years past, being a genre fan in 2016 and not supporting all TV shows and movies out of loyalty, new TV shows vs old TV shows, change kits in European futbol and much more. 

Episode Thirty-One - Parejas Incredulas

Not much Amor between Rush and Marco Corleone.

Not much Amor between Rush and Marco Corleone.

The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) returns to talk lucha libre and baseball. We talk about Dragon Lee's recent injury, the Parejas Increible tournament, ELITE, the saga of Octogon and Octogon Jr (Flamite) and AAA comings and goings. Hechicero vs Negro Casas in Monterrey., At (18:02), we talk about the Lucha Undergreound Season 3 tapings with all the various rumors discussed. If you don't want to know about them, skip ahead. We also speculate about just how LU contracts work with tarlent appearing elsewhere.  (29:37) There's baseball talk about the Cubs season so far, the Schwarber injury and high expectation. Also we talk about The Kane County Cougars and why people go to watch minor league baseball.  

Episode Ten - The Eagle Has Landed

We're very excited to have CMLL luchador Marco Corleone on this episode of the podcast. Hopefully, he will be the first of a number of luchadors who will be appearing on the podcast or in the upcoming issue of Odessa Steps Magazine/Russian Flag Burial. Please check out the new clothing line started by Marco and his partner (and CMLL edecane) Miroslava.

1:06 - CMLL luchador Marco Corleone (@MarcoCorleone23) talks the upcoming Anniversario Show, Atlantis vs Sombra, Ingobernables vs El Bufete del Amor, Air Corleone, his punching prowess, wrestling the Undertaker, CMLL mascots, creating his entrance music and his new clothing line.  

34:33 - The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) talks Anniversario Show build, Dr. Wagner, LA Park, Boby Zavala's win over Guerrero Maya Jr in the En Busca de un Idolo final, the future of Lucha Underground, the 2015 Cubs season, Schwarber-Mania and the Kane County Cougars. Check out the Luchablog and the Luchawiki for all of Cubsfan's hard work. 

Marco, Miroslava and Dark Angel unveil the gongut.com clothing line.

Marco vs the Undertake from 2005

Marco's whiplash injury

Ultimo Guerrero dropkicks Que Monito. Marco is in the tecnico corner.

 "En Busca de un Idolo". Guerrero Maya Jr. Vs Bobby Zavala. 

Episode Nine - To Catch a Shadow

1:04 - Rob Viper (@RobViper) discusses his recent trip to Mexico to see Lucha Libre. We talk about AAA Triplemania, Rey Misterio vs Myzteziz, the upcoming CMLL Anniversary show, the finals of En Busca de un Idolo, Cara Lucha (@caralucha), Chilanga Mask, the great Black Terry Jr (@Blackterry), the long history between Odessa Steps Magazine, El Doctor Alquimia (@doctoralquimia)  and Highspots (@highspots), the fabulous Jeff Marek (@jeffmarek) [listen to episode 3], the Toronto Blue Jays, the Toronto Maple Leafs, getting The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) to Mexico in September, the Luchaworld pod with Fredo Esparza (@therealfredo) and Vandal Drummond.

48:06 - Matt D discusses the Bayley phenomenon (@itsBayleyWWE) and appealing to a non-traditional wrestling demographic, NXT Takeover in Brooklyn this Saturday, the Ant-Man movie, Lazarus by Greg Rucka (@ruckawriter) [listen to episode 2] and MIchael Lark (@MichaelLark66), Weird World by Jason Aaron (@Jason Aaron) and Mike Del Mundo (@deadlymike) and more En Busca de un Idolo talk.