Episode Sixty-Nine - When First We Practice to Deceive

Martin Landau as Rollin Hand.

Martin Landau as Rollin Hand.

On the ever of Star Trek: Discovery debuting, we are pleased to be joined by John Champion (@dvdgeeks), co-host of the Mission Log Podcast, to talk Trek and more. 

We begin by going over the career of Martin Landau, who passed away in July 2017. Lots of Mission Impossible chat here, including some of his most memorable episodes and also some of his other guest star appearances as well as playing Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood. We also mention a number of connections between Mission Impossible and the 1960s Star Trek show, including the overlapping guest stars and address the rumor about Landau possibly being on the list of actors to play Mr. Spock.

This segues into our Trek talk, starting with Mission Log about to wrap up reviewing The Next Generation and moving on to the TNG movies and then Deep Space Nine. And we preview Star Trek: Discovery, starting next week on CBS before moving to CBS' streaming service.  What do we know so far based on the trailer and advanced information? John also lets us now how Mission Log is going to cover an on-going TV show. 

We end with a very nerdy chat about the 1967 Bond movie Casino Royale and why we both love it, despite being "a glorified mess." 

Mission Log Podcast (@missionlogpod), host by John and Ken Ray (@macosken) drops every Thursday wherever you get your podcasts. 

Episode Sixty-Six - Islands in the Stream

NBC's excellent EPL studio cast: host Rebecca Lowe, and analysts Kyle Martino, Robbie Earle and Robbie Mustoe. 

NBC's excellent EPL studio cast: host Rebecca Lowe, and analysts Kyle Martino, Robbie Earle and Robbie Mustoe. 

With some sports media news in the headlines, we are pleased to be joined again by Richard Deitsch (@richarddeitsch) from Sports Illustrated.  We recorded on Operning Day for the English Premier League, so we chat about NBC's near-universal popular coverage as well as their paid app and whether people will purchase.  That seques into a discussion of The Athletic, the paid content sports writing site, their successes so far and would their model work in a city like New York. We talk about ESPN and how necessary they are for a fan whose favorite sports are undercovered (like hockey and soccer). We also discuss where ESPN fits in with Disney's new streaming strategy. We end with some brief wrestling chat, what Richard is enjoying with the current WWE product and being able to wrestling from around the world online. 

We are working lining up some guests to discuss the Premier League and the other European leagues starting up, but were not able to get them in time for today's podcast. Hopefully, they will be on the next episode. Thanks for listening. 

Episode Sixty-Four - The Mad Titan

From the Death of Captain Marvel. (c) 2017 Marvel Comics.

From the Death of Captain Marvel. (c) 2017 Marvel Comics.

Just in time for San Diego Comic-Con, an over-stuffed episode about comics, movies, TV and video games. We welcome Craig from the Puzzle Warriors 3 podcast (@PuzzleWarriors3) to talk all that and more.

We start by going over what got Craig back into comics after a couple decades, what we are both enjoying right and looking forward to coming out soon. Plenty of good recommendations here. Also, why does Craig love Dazzler so mych?

From there, we talk about the just completed season of Doctor Who and what we could happen in the Xmas Special as well as thoughts on the new creative team and cast.

And lots of Marvel Puzzle Quest talk, including why he, Ian and Craig started the show, thoughts of some of the more powerful characters in the game, balancing PVE, PVP and DDQ, how much fun the special events have been of late and chat about the special plants for their 100th episode in two weeks time. 

Lots of random stuff at the end, including wrestling and hockey talk. We never got around to all the old TV show and cartoon talk that was on the docket, so hopefully Craig will be back in a future episode.

Note: We had a brief addition to the show for a mention of the passing of George A. Romero and Martlin Landau. As a huge Mission Impossible fan, I am working on lining up a special guest to talk about Landau's career. 




Episode Forty-Seven - Captain Caveman

He got a big ugly club and a head fulla hair Like great big lions and grizzly bears.

He got a big ugly club and a head fulla hair Like great big lions and grizzly bears.

We welcome back Vandal Drummond (@vandaldrummond) from the Luchaworld podcast for a variety of subjects. We talk the Reyes de Aire match between Barbaro Cavernario and Volador Jr and its polarizing finish, what they have left for the rematch and Cavernario's main event future. We also talk about the recent CMLL legends show and how not all 50-+ year old wrestlers are like Negro Casas and Negro Navarro. Next, Vandal explains how he acquired some of the infamous Monsul's Powder, made famous by an angle with John Tolos and Freddie Blassie in 1971. We discuss other blinding angles and, based on the Last Battle of Atlanta footage, the importance of context when watching a match from the past cold.  Then we discuss the European vacation Vandal and his wife took this summer, including being in London right after Brexit and Paris right after the Nice attack following Euro 2016. He also mentions what city (home to a former podcast guest and friend of the show) they loved so much they inquired about retiring there. We end with talk of the next Luchaworld podcast with Alfredo Esparza (@therealfredo) and some of the other shows Vandal has done recently, including the 605 Superpodcast (@605pod). 

The dreaded Monsul's Powder.

The dreaded Monsul's Powder.

Episode Forty-Three - Girls and Boys

You're my girl, Bleu. Blue Monday: The Kids are Alright  (C) 2106 Chynna Clugston Flores.

You're my girl, Bleu. Blue Monday: The Kids are Alright  (C) 2106 Chynna Clugston Flores.

With Blue Monday finally back in print, we are thrilled to have Chynna Clugston Flores (@chynnasyndrome) on the podcast to talk about the series being reprinted at Image with colors by Jordie Bellaire (@whoajordie), the timetable for reprints and  new material, the return of Scooter Girl, writing the Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes cross-over book, working on DC kids books including the Mad Mod issue of Teen Titans Go, MTV Classics, use of music in Blue Monday, the cyclical nature of fads and culture, silent movies and more. 

Following that, we have a short list of podcast recommendations, including Monday Night Braw (@mondaynightbraw), Between the Sheets and Exile on Badstreet by Kris Zellner (@kriszellner) and David Bixenspan @davidbix), european football podcasts from the Guardian, the Times (of London), Second Captains (@secondcaptains) from the Irish Times,The Men in Blazers (@meninblazers), Talksport's European Football Show, the Jonah Keri Podcast (@jonahkeri) and the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast hosted by RIchard Deitsch (@richarddeitsch) 

Episode Eight - Doomed is Your Soul



1:08 - Joe Gagne from Joe vs the World discusses wrestling podcasts, wrestling video games, Chikara, the New Japan G1 tournament and more.

23:22 - A round table discussion recorded live at Denny's to discuss the new Fantastic (in name only) Four movie, with Leonard and Todd from Longbox Heroes and Jason from Podvacacy. A few salty words get thrown in here, but can you blame us? 

Episode Two - Conspiracy by Proxy

Episode Two of the podcast. 

Special Guest Star - Greg Rucka talks Women's World Cup, the FIFA scandal, Stumptown, Lazarus, Cyclops, Lady Sabre, writing in the Star Wars universe and the status of the Lazarus and Queen & Country media projects.

TKD discusses the 30 May Cara Lucha show, Rush, Hechicero, Volador Jr, Flamita, ordering lucha libre from Black Terry Jr,  the 2015 CMLL En Busca de un Idolo tournament, Barbero Cavenario and more.