Episode Thirty-Eight - Full Metalik Jacket

Mascara Dorada aka Gran Metalik on his way to WWE.

Mascara Dorada aka Gran Metalik on his way to WWE.

It's the start of what we hope will be Lucha Week, with a few shows planned. Up first, it's The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) from the Luchablog to talk all about the news.  This includes Mascara Dorada (Gran Metalik) signing with WWE, what his future may hold there, how is La Sombra aka Andrade CIen Almas doing in NXT, his Takeover match, should he turn rudo, the upcoming CMLL Anniversario show and what might be the main event, how Kushida and MIchael Elgin were used during the CMLL tour, the passing away of Thunder, Sexy Star's unmasking and her future in lucha both in Mexico and the USA, TEDDY HART~! in Elite, could we see him in CMLL, the Lucha Memes (@luchamemes) show going on as we were recording, Stuka Jr vs Kamaitachi in Ring of Honor, Kamaitachi's #1 Fan being at ROH TV, Rush vs L.A. Park in ELITE, the crazy ELITE tournament and its standings, a rundown of the S2 finale of Lucha Underground, the Triplemania main event (?)  and more. Plus, some quick all-star break Cubs talk and what is shaping up to be a three team race for best record in the National League.

Episode Thirty-Seven - Sim Sim Sallabim

Here comes trouble. Future Quest 1 by Parker, Shaner and Bellaire. (C) 2016 Hanna-Barbera.

Here comes trouble. Future Quest 1 by Parker, Shaner and Bellaire. (C) 2016 Hanna-Barbera.

Jeff Parker (@jeffparker) joins the show to talk about current and past work. We start with Future Quest, the DC/Hanna-Barbera team-up with Jonny Quest, Space Ghost and a raft of others. We discuss the book's creation, including the role played by Darwyn Cooke and continuing to work with (among others) Doc Shaner (@docshaner) and Jordie Bellaire (@whoajordie), who all worked together on the Shazam Convergence book. We also discuss working on the book with artist Steve Rude (@steverudeart), who drew the 1987 Space Ghost comic. Then, it's on to Batman '66, how the book started, getting image rights to the actors from the TV show, working with artists like Jonathan Case (@Jonathan_Case) and past pod Collen Coover (@colleencoover), the Batman/Man from UNCLE team-up and which villains were the most fun to write. There's also chat about Agents of Atlas, Flash Gordon, the Marvel Adventures books, the story behind the "Galactus playing baseball" in Marvel Adventures 26, Underground, Meteor Men and more. To wrap up, more Jonny Quest talk, including favorite monsters and bad guys, including how to modernize a yellow peril villain like Doctor Zin and the great Jonny Quest documentary on Youtube. 

Episode Thirty-Six - Wing Attack Plan R

He can fly, but he's no Sparrow. Jonathan Pryce in Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

He can fly, but he's no Sparrow. Jonathan Pryce in Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

It's our love letter to the Criterion Collection (@criterion) in all its greatness. We're joined by film critic, comics writer and podcast Will Pfeifer (@willpfeifer) to discuss our favorite Criterions (some you may not even remember) and the just-released Criterion edition of Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove (spine number 821, for you collectors). We also talk about some of Will's comics work, including Finals with Jill Thompson (@thejillthompson) and H.E.R.O, with Kano (@kano_es). We also discuss Will's movie podcast Out of Theaters (@outoftheaters) that he does with Billy Kulpa (@billykulpa) and Kevin Haas (@kevinmhaas). Will has news about Out of Theaters' future, so stick around to the end of the podcast for that. 

If you thought Dean Wormer was bad. From Finals 1 (c) Will Pfeifer and Jill Thompson

If you thought Dean Wormer was bad. From Finals 1 (c) Will Pfeifer and Jill Thompson

Episode Thirty-Five - Buffalo Soldiers

Jeff Marek (@jeffmarek) from Sportsnet and the Marek vs Wyshynski podcast returns to talk about covering the Gordie Howe funeral in Detroit, the "Gordie Howe hat trick," the NHL Awards and the upcoming NHL Draft. 

Then, some recommendations from the workd of popular culture, Including Kolchak: the Night Starlker, The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross, Wonder Woman Rebirth and the CMLL Grand Prix ippv on July 1.

Apologies for a short show. Our planned second guest could not do the pod in time, but will hope to have them on soon. We should have some interesting comics folks on in the nearfuture. 

Episode Thirty-Four - All Stars

Are things afoot?. From Baker Street Irregulars. (C) 2016 Roger Langridge and Andy Hirsch.

Are things afoot?. From Baker Street Irregulars. (C) 2016 Roger Langridge and Andy Hirsch.

Happy Anniversary to us. To commemorate our first year, it's the return of our first guest, Al Kennedy (@housetoastonish) from the House To Astonish podcast/website. We talk about the recent Chikara Pro Wrestling UK tour, including the show Al went to in Glascow and compare this year's show to last, what they ended up having in common and some of the recent Chikara angles. Also on the wrestling front, we talk about the future of NXT ahead of the next Takeover special and UK tour and what the future holds for wrestlers like Bayley and Samoa Joe. We also discuss some comics news (not THAT news) and reviews, including some of the DC Rebirth titles, Civil War II, The Baker Street Irregulars, Limbo and more. Finally, we talk about Marvel Puzzle Quest, how our alliance did during the recent Civil War event and how transitioning from 2-star to 3/4-star level and finding time to play as part of a competitive alliance.

Episode Thirty-Three - The God Phoenix

The Mod/Emma Peel Wonder Woman. (C) 2016 DC Comics

The Mod/Emma Peel Wonder Woman. (C) 2016 DC Comics

0:56 - @TKD_117 returns to talk about his recent trip to Mexico for the 2nd Anniversary @Caralucha show, including the Hechicero/Cavernario vs Black Terry/Bestia 666 and Flamita vs Mascara Dorada matches. We talk about some other recent indy lucha, including Hechicero vs Virus. We also discuss the AAA Lucha World Cup, the always frustrating CMLL booking and more. As always, your source for great indy lucha footage is @BlackTerry. Tweet him for his match lists. For more lucha news, check out Como Estaz with @luchablog and @robviper & Luchaworld with @therealfredo and @vandaldrummond.

43:45 - Magazine contributor Matt D discusses DC Rebirth and a possible shift for a brighter storytelling outlook for DC. We talk about the metatextual nature of the issue and which books we are excited about going forward (hint: listen to episode 32 of the podcast). We also discuss some of the lucha matches covered earlier with TKD. We end with discussion of the two new Marvel superhero movies and was Movie Zemo really such an affront to his comics counterpart?

As discussed in the pod,  Arena Coliseo Monterrey -- Negro Casas vs Rey Hechicero

Technical note: During the interview with Matt, I left my desk fan on and the interview is a little wind-tunnely.  Apologies if it is distracting. 

Episode Thirty-Two - Fantastic Foxes

That's not Old Hickory. From the Lazarus Source book. (C) 2016 Greg Rucks & Michael Lark.

That's not Old Hickory. From the Lazarus Source book. (C) 2016 Greg Rucks & Michael Lark.

1:19 - the return of Greg Rucka (@ruckawriter). First up, comics chat, including the new Gotham Central omnibus (co-written with Ed Brubaker) (@brubaker), the Lazarus HC (co-created by Michael Lark (@michaellark66) and Lazarus source book, the Black Magick TPB (co-created by Nicola Scott (@nicolascottart), returning to Wonder Woman with Scott and Liam Sharp (@liamrsharp) and doing Star Wars books and comics. (20:36) Then futbol talk recorded during the Bayern Munich vs Atletico Madrid Champions League semi-final. We talk Leicester City winning the Premier League, improper winners, Champions and Europa League predictions, the Portland Timbers and other MLS news and more.

Episode Thirty-One - Parejas Incredulas

Not much Amor between Rush and Marco Corleone.

Not much Amor between Rush and Marco Corleone.

The Cubs Fan (@luchablog) returns to talk lucha libre and baseball. We talk about Dragon Lee's recent injury, the Parejas Increible tournament, ELITE, the saga of Octogon and Octogon Jr (Flamite) and AAA comings and goings. Hechicero vs Negro Casas in Monterrey., At (18:02), we talk about the Lucha Undergreound Season 3 tapings with all the various rumors discussed. If you don't want to know about them, skip ahead. We also speculate about just how LU contracts work with tarlent appearing elsewhere.  (29:37) There's baseball talk about the Cubs season so far, the Schwarber injury and high expectation. Also we talk about The Kane County Cougars and why people go to watch minor league baseball.  

Episode Thirty - Olde Tyme Hockey

Blackjack Mulligan and Ric Flair in the Crockett territory. 

Blackjack Mulligan and Ric Flair in the Crockett territory.


Jeff Marek (@jeffmarek) from Sportsnet and the #MvsW podcast returns to talk Stanley Cup playoffs with a break-down of each first-round series, (17:42) the passing of legendary Philadelphia Flyers owner Ed Snider, (26:00) a quick look at the junior hockey playoffs and Memorial Cup preview and (27:50) the passing of Blackjack Mulligan, patriarch of the Windham Family, who Jeff saw in the 1970s in Toronto.. 

Episode Eighteen - The Author Theory 1

Hopeless Savages Break (C) 2015 Jen Van Meter

Hopeless Savages Break (C) 2015 Jen Van Meter

1:20 - Comics writer Jen Van Meter (@hopelessjen) discusses her @Onipress graphic novel Hopeless Savages Break. We talks about working with artists Meredith McClaren (@inquitousFish) and Christine Norrie (@christinenorrie) on the new book, past volumes of the series drawn by Norrie, Chynna Clugston Flores (@chynnasyndrome) and Bryan Lee O'Malley (@radiomaru), future stories, (9:56) her @ValiantComics series drawn by Roberto de la Torre The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage and (14:00) writing the Injustice Gang back in 2006 in JSA Classified. (17:00) We also talk about the MLS championship won last week by the Portland Timbers & the crazy plays in the match, (24:45) the Timbers being featured in Greg Rucka's (@ruckawriter) Stumptown and (28:10) life as a comics pro living in Portland.


30:55 - Yahoo Sports hockey editor of the Puck Daddy blog and the co-host of Marek vs Wyshynski podcast Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) discusses his new book Take Your Eye Off the Puck, its origin and contents, including chapters on fancy stats and cutting edge technology. (43:09) We also talk the current NHL Season, the hot start by Dallas, the slow start by Pittsburgh and Anaheim and Detroit post-Mike Babcock. Then we talk nerd culture, featuring (47:16) the just-finished season of Doctor Who, (57:19) binge TV watching and spoiler culture, (1:01:15) the resurrected MST3K and (1:07:15) new comics, including Saga, Batman and the new Marvel Star Wars books